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Signs that an executive is stressed

If you notice that an executive begins to act in a way that is not typical of them, they might be struggling with something that may be beyond their control. In some cases, the executive may be stressed, but they might not know how to manage the situation. Some of them may indulge in unhealthy habits that could worsen their condition.

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Here are some of the signs that an executive might be facing an undue amount of stress

Loss of motivation

One of the ways to tell that an executive is stressed is when they seem to lose motivation. You will observe that they lack the willpower to do things that they could easily perform in the past. They might also display a loss of commitment to work-related tasks because they are highly stressed.

Being withdrawn or isolated

Another sign that shows a stressed executive is when they withdraw from social gatherings and keep to themselves.

You may find out that they are locked in their offices all day and may not want to step out because of their recent dislike for staying around their colleagues. They may turn down every opportunity that allows them to mix with people.

Decreased performance

When an executive is stressed, their performance will decline. They might be able to meet up with the weekly, daily, or monthly milestones because they are not in the right frame of mind. Some of them might end up losing their jobs because they are not meeting up to expectations.

Absence in the office

Stressed executives might not keep up regular appearances at the office. On some occasions, they might decide to rest at home and not show up at the office.

When an executive notices that they are stressed, they should seek help from a mental health counselor or therapist. Doing this would be super-helpful so that the stress does not progress to the point where it begins to cause serious health problems in their body.

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